Fatal Flaws (5 min video) (PDF - 5 page assignment)

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In this exercise, we'll identify what recurrent thinking or behavior you have that limits your growth, and assign that as your Hero's fatal flaw.

We all have flaws and weaknesses. I have a weakness for iced mochas and home decorating magazines. But, a fatal flaw in storytelling is a trait the Hero wrestles with on a consistent basis.

To illustrate, here are story samples, expanded from the first exercise:

Mrs. Doubtfire is a story about a loving father with an irresponsible streak...

UP! is a story about a cranky widower withdrawn from life over the loss of his wife...

Dirty Dancing is a story about an idealistic teenager struggling to assert herself...

This trait might even be a strength when it’s in balance, but a real monster when it’s not.

Think, confidence that can morph into arrogance. Or, service to others that can morph into resentful servitude.

What do you struggle with on a consistent basis? I'm asking about an internal struggle: something that comes from within you, not an outside person or situation as an obstacle.

Me, I’m nearly constantly fatigued, and I am affected by anxiety and depression. On the positive side, I see and feel things on a big scale and am capable of enormous productive fits of activity. But, these are couched with periods of extreme overwhelm, panic, and inertia. Every cell in my being screams for a nap to just shut down, then reboot.

I struggle with this urge consistently.

Given this pattern, I could assert my fatal flaw as the Hero in my story is indulgence/inertia brought on by chronic mental illness.

The point of identifying our fatal flaws is not to get all judgmental with ourselves.

Instead, identifying and owning our big hurdles can help us take steps forward. If you’re aware of an obstacle, you can work with it/around it/through it, rather than be stopped cold by it.


Let's get to work. Click on the PDF exercise to stir up that one flaw that's consistently preventing you from growing to your full potential. I have created 5 PDF worksheets for you to print out and write on, because I want to engage both sides of your brain as you work on them!


Click on the PDF exercise link below to download it.

Click to open/view the PDF file. Wait for it to fully load with all its graphics. It has 5 pages, total.

Right-click on the PDF with your mouse to access the drop-down menu and select PRINT. You may have to select Background Graphics in your Options sub-menu to load/view all the contents first.

If you want to brainstorm any descriptions, words, ideas for your worksheets, post them to the Facebook group and tag me (@loriemarsh).

When finished downloading the PDF and subsequently completing the worksheets, click on Complete & Continue to be routed to the next Module: The Hero Wants...

Your Hero's Fatal Flaw Exercise Sheets.pdf
Complete and Continue